CSA is a technique and tool we use to better understand our patients. Our practice is highly focused on the individual and each individual requires something unique.


First, what is CSA? Computerized Electrodermal-Stress Analysis (CSA), is a technique and tool that shows us what systems in the body are in-balance, out-of-balance and what the body wants to do to get back to balance so it can begin to heal itself. At Breath of Life, we stay away from “one-size-fits-all” solutions and this analysis tells us exactly what the body needs. 

Here are some common questions about CSA:

Can I take this test if I am pregnant? Yes. The results may offer a more detailed look at the nutritional needs of body’s change from pregnancy. Any potential detox that may present, will be put on hold until after the mother has finished breastfeeding.
How long will the analysis take? An initial visit with the doctor is one hour and any follow-up or re-evaluations are scheduled for 30 minutes.
How specific is the test? The CSA uses electrical frequencies to evaluate the body. Because of this, some imbalances can be identified that might not yet show up in regular blood work.
How often should I schedule a CSA analysis?
How often should I schedule a CSA analysis? Each evaluation identifies how long the tailored protocol should be followed and if/when to return for a re-evaluation.

Curious to see exactly how the CSA test is administrated?
Also, view a testimonial from a current patient and how they have benefited from CSA testing.CSA TestingCSA Testimonial

For more information and to schedule your initial consultation, visit our brand new scheduling portal. 

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At Breath of Life we elevate your mind and body to live the best life.